1 + 1
[1] 2
2 / 4
[1] 0.5
3 * (5 - 3)^2
[1] 12
This tutorial from Tulane University’s Howard-Tilton Memorial Library is Part I of a two-part series. It is targeted towards faculty, post-docs, graduate students, and undergraduates new to R. Its goal is to provide a universal foundation for processing and analyzing your own data regardless of your field or your final analyses. These are skills that most researchers can use on every project they tackle. Additional information on project management, packages, “tidy” data, more complex processing and data visualization will be provided in Part II.
Happy coding!
Install R. Default settings will work for most people. You should not need any shortcuts since RStudio will access R for us.
Download RStudio from Posit. (You may need to scroll down the page a bit for downloads for Mac, older versions of Windows, and 32-bit systems).
Install RStudio. Default settings should be fine, but now you’ll want to make sure you have an easily accessible shortcut!
You can run basic and complex calculations, or even more complicated code, in the Console pane.
The colorful lines below are R code! Entering each line of code in the Console yields R output. The [1]
in the output shows the positional order of the leftmost result your code returned on that line. In this case, it’s a single number on a single line. Many analyses will return multiple results listed one after the other across several lines, so these bracketed numbers can be useful for examining lengthier output. We’ll see this later!
Run some basic calculations by typing or copying them into the Console and hitting the “Enter” or “Return” key.
1 + 1
[1] 2
2 / 4
[1] 0.5
3 * (5 - 3)^2
[1] 12
The R Console is great for one-off calculations, but what if you want to create, edit, and run code more than once? R scripts can solve this problem!
File -> Save As...
, give your file a meaningful name like “R_intro_part1”, and save it somewhere you can find it again.From here on out, we’ll be entering our code into our new R scripts. All of this could alternatively be run in the Console, but to revisit and edit code entered into the Console, you’d have to double click on past code under the History tab in the Environment panel, cycle through the history using Ctrl/Cmd + [up arrow]
in the Console, or scroll up and copy/paste code back into the Console.
There are a few ways to run code contained in a script:
Run the current line your cursor is on (it doesn’t need to be at the end).
Click the Run
button at the top right corner of your Source pane (above your script)
Hit Ctrl/Cmd + Enter
Run the entire script
Highlight everything and click Run
Ctrl/Cmd + A + Enter
Re-run the previous line
Click the button immediately to the right of Run
, which shows a blue arrow turning back and a green arrow pointing forward.
Ctrl/Cmd + Alt/Opt + P
Run some basic calculations entered into your script.
2 * 3 * 4
[1] 24
1 / 7
[1] 0.1428571
HashtagIn addition to editing and running our R code, scripts are also great places to organize and comment on our code. The R language has reserved the #
symbol for commenting and organization purposes. Here are some best practices to keep your scripts organized and understandable (always good when returning to your work after time away or sharing with collaborators!).
Create collapsible sections using # Section Title ----
Annotate your code with comments explaining what the code does and why. Each comment should start at the beginning of a line and should be preceded by a #
and a single Space
Mute, or comment out, code you don’t want to run by putting a #
in front of it.
Ctrl/Cmd + Shft + C
All of these practices are on display below.
Objects in R are containers that store information. Using the <-
operator (Alt/Opt + Hyphen [-]
), you can save information as objects in your Environment pane. This is similar to saving a file in a folder on your computer, but you can delete, recreate, rename, and edit that object with the code written in your script.
Assigning data to objects allows you to “call”, or access, the data whenever you want.
1. Enter the code below in your new script to save some objects, use them in operations, and see the results.
2. Employ good organizational practices using #
# Creating Objects ----
# Objects can be single values. In the line below, we assign a value to an object with a descriptive name.
<- 10
# In this line, we "call" the object, which will produce its value in the Console output when run.
# Objects can also contain the results of calculations or functions.
<- 4 * 5
# And we can combine objects into more complex calculations.
+ twenty
# NOTE: object names cannot include spaces. Instead, use underscores to separate words.
<- ten + twenty
ten_twenty + 10
# This code is "commented out" and won't run:
# ten * 2 - twenty
Our only output should be the following for our two objects and the two sums we calculated using those objects:
## [1] 10
## [1] 20
## [1] 30
## [1] 40
When working in most word processing programs, if you try to save a document with the same name as another file, the program will give you a warning. R does NOT do that, so you need to be organized and intentional with how you name and re-name your objects.
Experiment with reassigning objects.
# Here "math" = 15
<- 3*5
math math
[1] 15
# But as soon as we run this code, every time we call "math" from now on, we'll get 25 instead.
<- ten + math
math math
[1] 25
- ten_twenty math
[1] -5
R is case-sensitive and sensitive to typos, too! In fact, typos are the most common source of errors in R. Any time you’ve got a problem, first check for typos!
# Calling this object works as intended.
[1] 10
# This won't work because of incorrect capitalization.
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'Ten' not found
# This typo will yield an error as well.
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'twetny' not found
Data come in many formats, or classes. The objects we saved above were all what you might call “integer” or “numeric” classes. Another common data format is the character class, or text-based data. In R, strings are just character class text data in between quotation marks!
Make and manipulate some string objects.
# Put text in quotations to create a string.
<- "Tulane University"
tu <- "New Orleans, LA"
[1] "Tulane University"
[1] "New Orleans, LA"
As you might expect, character and numeric classes are incompatible! And strings can’t be used mathematically. What happens if you try to run the code below in your script?
# You can't do math with text
+ 10
# Nor can you combine string objects in ways you might think, but we'll learn how soon.
+ loc
tu loc tu, loc
Vectors are common objects in R. They’re just lists of variables and can contain numbers, expressions, character strings, and more. You can think of these as analogous to a single column of data in Excel.
To create vectors, we have to use a function, which is just a pre-packaged code used to accomplish a specific task. Functions in R are written in the format function.name(data = ..., arguments = ...)
, where additional arguments
feed extra instructions to the function on how to manipulate the input data
The function for creating a vector is c()
. c
stands for “Combine Values into a Vector or List,” but who wants to write all that out every time?
Create some vectors of your own.
# Vectors ----
# Vectors combine values separated by commas. Here we're telling the c() function to combine three character values. We are not feeding the function any additional arguments.
<- c("Kestrel", "Crow", "Robin")
birds birds
[1] "Kestrel" "Crow" "Robin"
# This works for numbers as well as characters.
<- c(1, 2, 3, 4)
a a
[1] 1 2 3 4
# But if you combine the two, the numbers will be converted to characters.
# NOTE: We haven't assigned this vector to an object! As a result, it won't appear in your Environment after you run it.
c("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3)
[1] "a" "1" "b" "2" "c" "3"
# We can use the colon symbol to create numeric runs from A to B.
<- c(1:4)
a a
[1] 1 2 3 4
# Here's a longer vector.
<- c(10:60)
# Notice how we get more [1] in our output now. The numbers will change depending on the width of your Console when you run the code.
# You can experiment with this by dragging your Console edges left or right and rerunning the code.
[1] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
[26] 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
[51] 60
R is full of helpful functions, and since it’s entirely open-source, people are always coming up with new ones! This means there’s a pre-packaged function out there for almost all of your needs.
Test out some common functions below. What do they do?
# Function Practice ----
# Here are a few functions that can take additional arguments, but we haven't supplied any. Instead, we're using the default methods and supplying only the input data.
# Here are a couple common functions where we provide input data followed by arguments. What does each argument do?
round(2/3, digits = 2)
round(2/3, digits = 4)
sort(a, decreasing = TRUE)
# Here's a function that takes 2+ sources of input data. In this case, we're inputting a single value (the character string "American") and an object (birds).
# What happens here?
<- paste("American", birds)
# Here we rearrange the order of our input data in paste() and provide an argument where we set `sep` (short for separate) equal to "nothing" as denoted by two quotations with nothing in between them.
# How does this change the results of the paste() function?
paste(birds, "s", sep = "")
# Many functions can take multiple arguments
<- rep(a, times = 3)
x <- rep(a, each = 3)
y <- rep(a, each = 3, times = 3)
# Compare the output
y z
If you’re ever unsure of how a function works, what arguments it takes, or even if you just want examples, R contains the answers! You can search for help in the Help tab of the Files pane. Or…
Query R for help by entering these lines directly into your console, not your script, one at a time.
# Entering a ? before a function name will pull up the help page for that function
# If you don't know the name of the function, you may be able to find it by putting two question marks before a keyword.
# Wrap phrases in quotes to search for them.
"linear regression" ??
There are a LOT of great online resources if you want more help in R and RStudio. For starters, you can click the Help
tab, and then the picture of the Home button. More advanced help can usually be found on StackOverflow – every R coder’s best friend.
It’s always a good idea to keep a tidy work space. R has a function called rm()
(short for “remove”) that you can use to do targeted house cleaning.
Let’s get rid of extra objects we don’t need anymore.
rm(a, birds, loc, math, ten, ten_to_sixty, ten_twenty, tu, twenty, x, y, z)
If vectors are equivalent to columns in an Excel or .csv file, then data frames are equivalent to the file or sheet itself! They’re just one or more rows and one or more columns of data. In R, we commonly create, import, and combine data frames. Let’s combine all three approaches to build a dataframe about those birds from earlier.
Like most tabular information, data frames are organized by column. In R, they’re created by column too within data.frame()
. All we have to do is set a user-defined column name equal to a value, vector, or object.
1. Start a new collapsible section heading.
2. Next, build your own data frame by defining your columns.
3. Combine multiple functions to get one end result
# Working with Data Frames ----
# Create data frames using data.frame()
# Here we'll create two columns, one called "species" and one called "family," and we'll fill each column with data.
# NOTE: the indentation here! When code for a single function starts to get too long, it can be hard to visually digest.
# In these instances, hit the "Enter/Return" key after each argument in a function, i.e., after the commas.
# RStudio will automatically indent each new line for us so that they fall below their function's opening parenthesis.
<- data.frame(species = rep(am_birds, each = 12),
bird_data family = rep(c("Falconidae", "Corvidae", "Turdidae"),
each = 12))
Congratulations! In addition to making your first data frame, you just combined three functions for the first time by nesting c()
inside rep()
inside data.frame()
! Take some time to inspect each component of this code to make sure you’re clear on what the three functions did. You may find it helpful to start with the innermost piece (c()
) and work your way out.
When nesting functions, your parentheses really start to pile up. You can put your cursor after a closing parenthesis to highlight its opening parenthesis. One nice perk of RStudio is that it will warn you if you have too many or too few!
Let’s check out our results. There are a few ways to view your them:
Type the name of your data frame into the Console and hit Enter.
# NOTE: This gets quite cumbersome for large data sets, especially ones with lots of columns since the Console can't scroll left and right.
species family
1 American Kestrel Falconidae
2 American Kestrel Falconidae
3 American Kestrel Falconidae
4 American Kestrel Falconidae
5 American Kestrel Falconidae
6 American Kestrel Falconidae
7 American Kestrel Falconidae
8 American Kestrel Falconidae
9 American Kestrel Falconidae
10 American Kestrel Falconidae
11 American Kestrel Falconidae
12 American Kestrel Falconidae
13 American Crow Corvidae
14 American Crow Corvidae
15 American Crow Corvidae
16 American Crow Corvidae
17 American Crow Corvidae
18 American Crow Corvidae
19 American Crow Corvidae
20 American Crow Corvidae
21 American Crow Corvidae
22 American Crow Corvidae
23 American Crow Corvidae
24 American Crow Corvidae
25 American Robin Turdidae
26 American Robin Turdidae
27 American Robin Turdidae
28 American Robin Turdidae
29 American Robin Turdidae
30 American Robin Turdidae
31 American Robin Turdidae
32 American Robin Turdidae
33 American Robin Turdidae
34 American Robin Turdidae
35 American Robin Turdidae
36 American Robin Turdidae
Use the View()
function. WARNING: this function must be capitalized! BUT, it’s a lot more manageable than trying to inspect big data directly in the Console. Usually you don’t want to put View()
in your script, however, so type or copy it into your Console instead. You should have the same results open up in a new tab beside your script in the Source panel.
Lastly, you can click on the name of your data frame in the Environment tab for the same effect. Note also that the Environment tab will show you how many rows (obs.) your data frame contains and how many columns (variables). We can also see that the am_birds
object is a character class (chr) containing three values.
If you’re working through this tutorial, you probably have data of your own that you hope to analyze in R! Let’s learn how to import data from other sources.
It’s good practice to use .csv files for data import and export. They’re less bulky (which makes R run much faster and leaves more memory for analyses and object storage), there are fewer odd formatting issues, you don’t have to deal with sheets, and they’re more easily shared across platforms.
1. Import some bird measurement data to accompany this tutorial directly from the web.
2. Download the file, copy the complete file path (location on your computer) including the file name and the .csv extension to your clipboard.
3. Read in the data to R using read.csv()
with the appropriate set up for your machine.
4. Examine your new data using one of the methods above.
# Data can be imported into R from various sources. Here you'll learn how to do it directly from the web and from your own machine.
# In both cases, we'll use read.csv() because that's the filetype of the data we're importing.
# When files are hosted directly on a website, you can import it by quoting the file's url inside the read.csv function.
<- read.csv("https://libguides.tulane.edu/ld.php?content_id=70580527")
# You can use this same function to import local data from your machine by feeding the file path into the function. You can try this out by downloading the data file from the link above or from the "Data_In" folder in this project's GitHub repository (https://github.com/mellisbirds/Intro_to_R.git).
# Here's how it works:
# Windows users must replace the \ in their pathways with / or \\ in order for R to recognize it.
<- read.csv("C:/Users/Jane Doe/Desktop/intro1_bird_data.csv")
# For Mac Users:
<- read.csv("/Users/Jane Doe/Desktop/intro1_bird_data.csv")
# Now that you've read in the new data, look it over using what you learned earlier.
In Intro to R Part II, we’ll learn about project management, which makes importing and exporting data much more efficient!
The data I’ve provided for importing practice are fictional data I created, but they’re based on actual average values from Tobias et al. (2022).
Tobias, Joseph A., et al. “AVONET: morphological, ecological and geographical data for all birds.” Ecology Letters 25.3 (2022): 581-597.
There are several different ways to combine data frames in r, but the most straightforward “bind” data frames together by column or row. Unsurprisingly, column binding adds the columns of one data frame beside those of another; row binding adds the rows of one column underneath the rows of another. The functions for these two methods are cbind()
and rbind()
, respectively.
If your rows or columns don’t match up before binding, they won’t match up after binding either using this approach!
Combine the data you created with bird names and families with the measurement data you imported.
# cbind() takes multiple data or object inputs, but they must have the same number of rows.
# Do our data have the same number of rows? What about columns?
# Objects within the function's parentheses will be bound together in the order you enter them.
<- cbind(bird_data, bird_csv)
# NOTE: You just overwrote the bird_data object! If you accidentally run the code above again, you will bind bird_csv to the new object, which will result in duplicate columns! If necessary, go back a few steps to recreate the original bird_data object.
It’s always a good idea to inspect your data. Here are some common ways of doing so:
Give data frame inspection a whirl. Pay special attention to the last bit of output from str()
# Data Inspection ----
# In addition to View(), you can also use functions to examine pieces of your data and its structure.
head(bird_data, n = 5)
tail(bird_data, n = 3)
# This one also shows object and data classes!
str(bird_data) # str = structure
Does anything unusual from the str()
output catch your eye?
'data.frame': 36 obs. of 5 variables:
$ species : chr "American Kestrel" "American Kestrel" "American Kestrel" "American Kestrel" ...
$ family : chr "Falconidae" "Falconidae" "Falconidae" "Falconidae" ...
$ id : chr "kestrel1" "kestrel2" "kestrel3" "kestrel4" ...
$ wing_length_mm: num 175 179 201 183 NA ...
$ mass_g : num 109 NA 130 113 112 ...
When examining the str()
output, you probably noticed dollar signs ($
) in front of our data frame’s column names and NAs
in some of the numeric columns. Those NAs
stand for “Not Available”, and it’s equivalent to a blank cell in Excel; it’s an empty space in our data frame with missing data.
But let’s look at $
before we get any further with NAs
. In R, we can use $
to reference columns within our dataframe. The str()
output above uses them to tell us, hey, these are your columns!
1. Use the $
operator to access and edit individual variables in an object, in this case, columns in a data frame.
2. Use $
to create and remove columns.
# $ Operator ----
# You may have also noticed some differences in significant figures in our numeric variables while inspecting the data above.
head(bird_data$wing_length_mm, 5)
## [1] 175.3 179.2 200.7 182.8 NA
head(bird_data$mass_g, 5)
## [1] 108.732 NA 129.515 112.586 112.163
# We can overwrite columns with edited versions of themselves using $ and <- . Let's fix the sig figs on mass_g by setting the mass_g column equal to a rounded version of itself.
$mass_g <- round(bird_data$mass_g, digits = 1)
# Check to make sure mass_g is now rounded to 1 decimal place.
[1] 108.7 NA 129.5 112.6 112.2 131.6
# You can also use $ to make new columns altogether or eliminate existing ones. Let's try both.
# First, we can determine the relationship between mass and wing length by dividing the former by the latter.
$mass_to_wing <- round(bird_data$mass_g / bird_data$wing_length_mm, 2)
# Perhaps we don't need that ID column. We can assign it `NULL` to remove it.
$id <- NULL
# Remember to check your work! $id should have disappeared.
head(bird_data, 4)
species family wing_length_mm mass_g mass_to_wing
1 American Kestrel Falconidae 175.3 108.7 0.62
2 American Kestrel Falconidae 179.2 NA NA
3 American Kestrel Falconidae 200.7 129.5 0.65
4 American Kestrel Falconidae 182.8 112.6 0.62
In R, square brackets [
are an operator called “Extract” and can be used to extract and replace values in an object. Often, [
references rows, columns, or individual cells in a data frame. Using similar ideas as the $
above, we can use [
to target specific parts of our data for editing. Another common use of [
is to extract data from an object if it meets specified criteria.
There are a few ways to use [
at the basic level with data frames. In all cases, we tack our brackets onto the data frame or object we’d like to extract from and insert our query.
Extracting values from a data frame
bird_data[row, column]
Extracting values from a column
Specifying search criteria
object[object operator condition]
Example below!
Using [
to edit data can be risky because it references values in a data frame based on horizontal and vertical positions. Those positions are static, but the rows and columns themselves may change, thereby changing the values extracted by [
. For example, the 3rd column of bird_data
originally contained $id
, but now it contains $wing_length_mm
1. Use the [
operator to search and edit bird_data
2. Use [
to find values meeting search criteria.
# [ Extract ----
# You can extract and edit values in a specified row and column with [.
# In our most recent output from head(), we saw an NA value in the 2nd row of the mass_g column, which currently is the 4th column. Go back and take a look. Then,...
# Let's check the contents of that cell. And remember, the query order is [row, column]
2, 4] bird_data[
[1] NA
# Yep, that's our NA.
# Suppose you know the missing value that's supposed to be in that cell and want to fill it in. All we have to do is assign the value to that cell and check our work.
2, 4] <- 110.2
bird_data[head(bird_data, 3)
species family wing_length_mm mass_g mass_to_wing
1 American Kestrel Falconidae 175.3 108.7 0.62
2 American Kestrel Falconidae 179.2 110.2 NA
3 American Kestrel Falconidae 200.7 129.5 0.65
# A less risky maneuver would be to specify the column name.
$mass_g[2] <- 111.2
bird_datahead(bird_data, 3)
species family wing_length_mm mass_g mass_to_wing
1 American Kestrel Falconidae 175.3 108.7 0.62
2 American Kestrel Falconidae 179.2 111.2 NA
3 American Kestrel Falconidae 200.7 129.5 0.65
# We could now re-run the entire mass to wing ratio code from above to update it, or manually update that one cell with the correct value.
# We know it should be in the same row as the cell we just fixed and draw from the mass and wing values in that row. So,...
$mass_to_wing[2] <- round(bird_data$mass_g[2] /
bird_data$wing_length_mm[2], 2)
# Check to make sure it worked.
head(bird_data, 3)
species family wing_length_mm mass_g mass_to_wing
1 American Kestrel Falconidae 175.3 108.7 0.62
2 American Kestrel Falconidae 179.2 111.2 0.62
3 American Kestrel Falconidae 200.7 129.5 0.65
# What happens if you don't provide [ with both a row and column?
bird_data[, 2, ]
bird_data[# Can you determine what's happening?
# This can actually be a useful tool in the right situation!
# [ can also be used to add and remove entire rows or columns. For example, we have some more NAs in row 13, and it looks like the wing_length_mm value is an outlier. We could choose to remove that entire row by incorporating a simple - symbol.
# This extracts all rows EXCEPT row 13 across all columns.
<- bird_data[-13, ]
# Take a look.
# And we can extract snippets of our dataframe with : and c().
# Extract rows 20:25, all columns
25:35, ] bird_data[
species family wing_length_mm mass_g mass_to_wing
25 American Robin Turdidae 120.8 72.1 0.60
26 American Robin Turdidae 110.1 NA NA
27 American Robin Turdidae 135.4 84.1 0.62
28 American Robin Turdidae 128.5 79.7 0.62
29 American Robin Turdidae NA 70.2 NA
30 American Robin Turdidae 139.5 87.9 0.63
31 American Robin Turdidae 131.3 83.9 0.64
32 American Robin Turdidae 124.0 75.2 0.61
33 American Robin Turdidae 136.0 80.6 0.59
34 American Robin Turdidae 135.8 85.5 0.63
35 American Robin Turdidae 135.2 82.5 0.61
# Extract rows 20:25 for columns 1, 3, and 5
25:35, c(1, 3, 5)] bird_data[
species wing_length_mm mass_to_wing
25 American Robin 120.8 0.60
26 American Robin 110.1 NA
27 American Robin 135.4 0.62
28 American Robin 128.5 0.62
29 American Robin NA NA
30 American Robin 139.5 0.63
31 American Robin 131.3 0.64
32 American Robin 124.0 0.61
33 American Robin 136.0 0.59
34 American Robin 135.8 0.63
35 American Robin 135.2 0.61
Great work! Now let’s query our data following the object[object operator condition]
pattern. Here, operators are symbols used to specify logical conditions that you’re probably familiar with, but with a few twists:
Less than
Greater than
Less than or equal to
Greater than or equal to
Exactly equal to (You must use two =
symbols for this to work!)
Is NOT equal to
Can be used in conjunction with other operators to specify “object must meet condition one AND condition two”
“Object must meet condition one OR condition two”
Object1 is in object2
# We can ask R to tell us which items in an object meet a certain condition with the pattern "object operator condition."
# Here we have an object (wing length column), an operator (>) and a condtion (200 mm).
$wing_length_mm > 150 bird_data
# Notice how R only told us whether or not the values met that condition?
# "object[object operator condition] will return all TRUE values.
$wing_length_mm[bird_data$wing_length_mm > 150] bird_data
[1] 175.3 179.2 200.7 182.8 NA 202.6 187.5 166.8 173.8 176.7 196.7 186.3
[13] 802.6 295.7 279.7 335.9 NA 245.8 309.8 281.7 267.4 287.8 268.4 275.5
[25] NA
# As you can see, this starts to get pretty wordy. Sometimes it can help to create a smaller object, especially when you begin adding conditions!
# Reduce:
<- bird_data$wing_length_mm
# Now use that reduced object to meet multiple conditions.
# This returns values between 150 and 200
> 150 & test < 200] test[test
[1] 175.3 179.2 182.8 NA 187.5 166.8 173.8 176.7 196.7 186.3 NA NA
# This returns returns everything except values between 150 and 200
<= 150 | test >= 200] test[test
[1] 200.7 NA 202.6 802.6 295.7 279.7 335.9 NA 245.8 309.8 281.7 267.4
[13] 287.8 268.4 275.5 120.8 110.1 135.4 128.5 NA 139.5 131.3 124.0 136.0
[25] 135.8 135.2 133.9
While [
is a powerful tool, it has several important limitations:
Extracting by position is dangerous since columns and rows can move.
It still returned NA values.
Conditional queries only returned a single vector rather than the entire dataframe.
Most of these limitations can be addressed one way or another with clever fixes, but why bother if there are easier ways? Enter subset()
! This function solves all of those problems and even manages to be a bit less wordy while doing it.
follows the pattern subset(data frame, column operator condition, arguments)
1. Whittle down your entire data frame to meet specific criteria using subset()
. 2. Take %in%
for a test drive.
# Subset ----
# At its most basic, subset is pretty straightforward.
# This extracts all birds with a mass greater than 450 grams.
# Notice there are no NAs in the column like there were with [.
# Also, all columns are returned, so you can see which species fit the bill!
subset(bird_data, mass_g > 450)
species family wing_length_mm mass_g mass_to_wing
14 American Crow Corvidae 295.7 455.7 1.54
15 American Crow Corvidae 279.7 460.0 1.64
16 American Crow Corvidae 335.9 508.5 1.51
17 American Crow Corvidae NA 498.2 NA
19 American Crow Corvidae 309.8 487.4 1.57
22 American Crow Corvidae 287.8 452.6 1.57
# The most commonly used subset() argument "selects" columns to return rather than the entire data frame.
# This returns the same rows as above but only for two desired columns.
subset(bird_data, mass_g > 450, select = c(family, wing_length_mm))
family wing_length_mm
14 Corvidae 295.7
15 Corvidae 279.7
16 Corvidae 335.9
17 Corvidae NA
19 Corvidae 309.8
22 Corvidae 287.8
# Here's another example where family MUST be "Corvidae" and individuals must have mass_to_wing less than 1.5 g/mm.
subset(bird_data, family == "Corvidae" & mass_to_wing < 1.5)
species family wing_length_mm mass_g mass_to_wing
18 American Crow Corvidae 245.8 357.5 1.45
# Lastly, here's an introduction to %in%.
# This operator asks subset to return all rows where the data within the desired column (species) matches at least one item in the provided object (in this case a vector containing two strings)...and in this case, those rows must have a mass_to_wing greater than or = to 0.63 g/mm as well!
subset(bird_data, species %in% c("American Kestrel", "American Robin") & mass_to_wing >= 0.63)
species family wing_length_mm mass_g mass_to_wing
3 American Kestrel Falconidae 200.7 129.5 0.65
6 American Kestrel Falconidae 202.6 131.6 0.65
8 American Kestrel Falconidae 166.8 106.4 0.64
9 American Kestrel Falconidae 173.8 109.6 0.63
11 American Kestrel Falconidae 196.7 125.4 0.64
30 American Robin Turdidae 139.5 87.9 0.63
31 American Robin Turdidae 131.3 83.9 0.64
34 American Robin Turdidae 135.8 85.5 0.63
R is always susceptible to typos. Any time you try matching a string with ==
or %in%
, you have to be very careful there are no typos in your code OR in your data. If there are, your code won’t return the expected results!
So far, we’ve learned two ways of handling missing data with [
: replacing individual values and removing rows. NAs
can really hamper your analyses, as we’ll see below. Fortunately, R equips us with a few more ways of dealing with them.
1. Remove NAs
from objects within functions with na.rm = TRUE
2. Identify NAs
by column with subset
and na.rm = TRUE
3. Check for NAs
in all rows and columns with complete.cases()
4. Remove all NAs
with na.omit()
na.rm = TRUE
To illustrate the issues raised by missing values, let’s try to run some summary statistics on one species in our data frame: the American Robin.
# Missing data ----
# First, we'll have to create an object containing just robins by subsetting the larger bird_data data frame
<- subset(bird_data, species == "American Robin")
# Next, let's try running some functions we learned earlier.
## [1] NA
## [1] NA
# Uh oh. Those NAs gummed up the works. There's a quick and easy fix, though!
# Add the na.rm (NA remove) argument.
mean(robins$mass_g, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 80.3
median(robins$wing_length_mm, na.rm = TRUE)
## [1] 133.9
# NOTE: This approach saves more data than eliminating entire rows to deal with NAs!
We can also identify rows with NAs
, or the lack thereof, in individual columns using the is.na()
# This code provides all the rows where the specified column contains an NA
subset(bird_data, is.na(mass_g))
species family wing_length_mm mass_g mass_to_wing
13 American Crow Corvidae 802.6 NA NA
26 American Robin Turdidae 110.1 NA NA
# Conversely, this removes all rows with an NA in the specified column.
# Just like != means "is not equal to," !is.na() means "is not NA."
# Give it a whirl. You shouldn't see any rows with NAs.
subset(bird_data, !is.na(mass_g))
What if we want to check for NAs
in all rows across all columns at the same time? There’s actually a very powerful function which can be combined with [
for exactly that purpose!
# complete.cases() checks each row to determine if there is an NA present in any column.
# Every time a FALSE is returned, it's for a row with NAs.
# We can combine that with [ to extract those rows.
!complete.cases(bird_data), ] bird_data[
species family wing_length_mm mass_g mass_to_wing
5 American Kestrel Falconidae NA 112.2 NA
13 American Crow Corvidae 802.6 NA NA
17 American Crow Corvidae NA 498.2 NA
26 American Robin Turdidae 110.1 NA NA
29 American Robin Turdidae NA 70.2 NA
Let’s pretend that, for some reason, we’re not interested in any individuals with NA
values anywhere. Perhaps we’re only interested in the mass to wing ratio, so an NA
in either of those columns makes that row useless to us. In that case, we can remove all rows with an NA in any column using the na.omit()
# na.omit() removes all rows where an NA is present regardless of column.
# Powerful, but it throws away a lot of data, e.g., you may want to include birds missing wing data in analyses on mass.
# Let's create a new object without NAs.
<- na.omit(bird_data)
# NOTE: using na.omit is essentially a less wordy version of
# bird_data[complete.cases(bird_data), ]
# We can (and should!) verify our code worked.
# NOTE: The presence and absence of the ! is critical.
# This should not return any results because all NAs should have been removed in the step above!
!complete.cases(bird_data_clean), ] bird_data_clean[
[1] species family wing_length_mm mass_g mass_to_wing
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
Success! You’ve made it to the end! Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉
Our last bit of code is a quick and easy one to take your processed data out of R and store it on your machine.
Use write.csv()
to export your data.
# write.csv() wants your data/object first, then a file name, and then you can feed it other arguments. Here we're specifying not to include row names since in this case they're just the number of each row. In some cases, you may choose to set your rownames to something more meaningful.
# Remember, Windows users must replace the \ in their pathways with / or \\ in order for R to recognize it.
write.csv(bird_data_clean, file = "C:/Users/Your Username/Desktop/bird_data_output.csv",
row.names = FALSE)
# For Mac Users
write.csv(bird_data_clean, file = "Users/Your Username/Desktop/bird_data_output.csv",
row.names = FALSE)
# NOTE: Every time you run this code, it will overwrite your saved file unless you edit the destination file name! For that reason, you may want to enter this command strictly in your console or else comment it out after running it in your script, e.g.,
# write.csv(bird_data_clean, file = "C:/Users/Your Username/Desktop/bird_data_output.csv",
# row.names = FALSE)
We’ll also streamline exporting in Intro to R Part II. I hope to see you there!